About & FAQ

What is this?

Spirit of the Robot is a joint venture by Static and TD, two gamers from the UK who simply felt like doing something slightly productive (for once) whilst tying in a love for games.

Who are the authors?

Static and TD are UK based writers with a fondness for all things interactive.

Static is the gaming name of Daniel Ward, a keen gamer with roots going as far back as he can remember. A recent graduate in Physics with Philosophy from Keele University, he is currently seeking employment and maintains this blog partially out of enjoyment, and partially to avoid becoming bored. Aside from blogging and gaming, he is learning French, is working alongside several others to create an online gaming community, and is on a constant lookout for new challenges.

TD is the shortened version of Traitors Dagger, which is the gaming name of Liam Morris, an avid gamer since a young age. Currently studying History and English at Keele University, he is always on the look out for games to engage both his skill and his mind. Outside of games, TD plays the drums and is currently learning Swedish! TD writes for this blog as he has a passion for both games and games journalism (Whatever that may be).

Can I write for you?

We do consider guest writers. If you wish to write for us, all we ask is you get in touch and tell us what you want to write about. We’ll then request you write the article and supply it without screenshots. Once we have that, we read through the article and come to a decision on whether we want to publish it. If we do, we will then request some accompanying screenshots; you can choose whether you provide captions or not (though we will if you don’t).

How frequently do you post new articles?

We don’t have a firm schedule, but we try to pump out at least two a week. Due to other obligations, this sometimes might not be met, or may be exceeded. We’re not too strict with ourselves, and appreciate other things are generally a better use of our time.

Where can we get in touch?
We have a steam group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SpiritoftheRobot#
And we have a twitter account: https://twitter.com/SpiritofTheRbt


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